Updated Google maps on a iOS geographical location sharing via Facebook Google12

Google has updated its Google Maps application on iOS system, to bring the geographical location sharing via Facebook application or application for special talks bevis Messenger Facebook.

He holds the new update version 4.8.0 and allows update to users geographical location sharing with friends via their talks on MSN Messenger's Facebook application, which will make it easier for Facebook users to use Google maps to easily share the site with friends on Google maps.

New update allows application users share location into Google maps, without exiting the application, and can also be shared within a specific group, or with friends, but does not currently share the geographical location within the events on Facebook.

And returns the update interface design trends in transport, to improve the experience in the cities, according to Google, the update offers more choices of different ways for users, improve the expected time to complete the journey or path, as he became more realistic in certain places.

The update provides a new photo gallery of places on Google maps, so that when the user presses the website image, show him a collection of photos taken by users of the site, in the form of a network.

Mentions that geographical location sharing with friends on Facebook available on Apple's maps application, already loaded iOS devices, along with the ability to share geographic location via text message and email, and other media.