Learn about the new Google service to protect your data online Google10

Google recently as other technology companies accused of collecting private information from its users, and I've already written about it in the blog. In response, the company is making every effort to make the process of data collection, storage and management of user data is open and clear. perhaps this is launching a new tool called "my account My Account.

My account is the control center for all user data, which gives you a convenient way to change privacy settings, and view information that has been collected about you, with the ability to remove all unnecessary information, so make a backup copy of your data. All of these features existed earlier on Google services, but were scattered in all those different services, but now all settings and your data is in one place.

Here is a short list of typical tasks that will help you in knowing the importance of the new control center from Google

Safety and protection: enabling the verification step. Change password and how to restore them. View a list of connected devices. Manage sites and trusted applications

Confidentiality: provides you with personal information. View and delete dates in different Google sites as a search engine, video, and so on. Ads preferences. Download a complete copy of all the data available about you in Google.
Account settings: language preferences. Increased storage space. Disable or remove your account permanently
